Aug 12, 2008

*LoVin' the oLyMpiCs*

The Olympics have been totally AwEsOme so far, I'm loving it! Beach volleyball is RoCkIn - go May & Walsh!!! These 2 are going to dominate, they play very well together. The swimming has been phenominal -- Go Phelps!
I'm so sad that softball isn't on normal channels so we can watch but they did win their first game! Yeah Jennie Finch.. Go USA!!!


Sher said...

We're really missin' out on not having t.v. (we've not had it for 3 years now I think) with the Olympics being on and Football getting ready to start.........

'T' said...

I agree the Olympics rock. They are so gripping and you just can't stop watching. GO USA! Tiniel~

Unknown said...

Yeah... we are loving the Olympics as well. Phelps is awesome and wow, we just love every bit of the Olympics. Go USA! I love it!

Brenna said...

i am totally agreeing with you about the lack of softball coverage! especially since it will no longer be an olympic sport!!

Kim and Chet said...

Oh me too! LOVE IT!!! Phelps is incredible. We've yet to see any softball but Chet was saying last night how "cute" Jennie Finch is...haha! (think he might have a crush!)