Aug 16, 2008

AuGuSt ShOwErS!

We had a great down pour tonight and Mason was in heaven! He just wanted to sit down and enjoy the water. Brooklin finally came out after she put her jacket on! We love the RaIn!!!


Mary Ellen said...

cute pics steph!! my kids wanted to go out so bad, but they have colds so I had to tell them no.

Hafen Crew said...

How fun. It looks like you had quite the rain storm.
Your Vegas trip seemed REALLY FUN...well the ride home anyways. WOW. Poor girls at least you didn't have to try and change it alone. You never have a dull moment do you?!

Mark 'n Mindee West said...

That was quite the rain storm huh! I should have sent Mark over... he was outside our house playing too :)

Kim and Chet said...

I LOVE summer rain. Wish we had more of it...or just some at all!

Anonymous said...

I love your family! so dang cute sorry I'm not the best on copmenting my computer sucks sometimes! But your bad the spoiled little kidos! lol Mine bolth have one so yea Its bad!