Jan 30, 2010

my BLOG book

I just turned my blog into a book and I LoVe it! It turned so awesome and I'm already working on my 2nd one. I decided I'd do this for now since I'm so behind on scrapbooking and this will have to do until I have the space and time to pull stuff out!
I used Blurb.com and thought it was quite easy to use. It took a little time getting the pages how I wanted them and added a few pictures here and there but it was well worth the time. My book is a hard cover and has probably 150 pages and it was under $60. I'm going to make a book for each year, my first one has from Aug 2007 and all of 2008 in it. I'm already starting on 2009 :) And it only took a couple weeks to get here too!


Hughes Bunch said...

How funny Staci and I were just wondering where to do a book from your blog. I love it and it turned out good I'm sure. Scrap booking is way to hard these days. You use to be queen scrap booker too... Anyway love it!!!

Michelle said...

love it!

Shanna said...

I love it! I want the site been thinking about it for a while

Shannon said...

What site did you use? I've looked at so many not sure where to go...super cute!

Sher said...

very cool, is it 8.5 x 11 in size?

Buddy and Traci said...

Please make me one! So Dang Cute!

Buddy and Traci said...

So Steph...did you download the free software from blurb or did you have your own program. I am so going to do this. And Shae is working at Roots Mon - Fri and Sat by appt. You should go see her:) Softball in 2 weeks...yeah I can't wait!