Jan 21, 2010

~HaPpY 5th BiRthDaY~

My little Brooklin is 5 today and she's so excited!!! We have a big day planned, she has school at Miss Kim's and gets to take a treat and then we're going to Las Vegas for a surprise!
Brooklin I'm so happy to have you in our family. You are so strong willed and independent and it makes me crazy sometimes but I love that about you. Your big blue eyes and contagious smile make me happy. You're a great big sister to Mason (most of the time) and are willing to help out when needed. You're full of energy and always want to be doing something. I love you Brooklin :)
Here are 5 things I love about Brooklin...
*she loves going to school
*she loves her friends and being outside with them
*she still won't sleep in her bed... is on the floor in my room (she's deathly afraid of her room)
*she loves being with grandma & papa - any of her family
*she's very kind hearted and sensitive

Some other facts about Brooklin more for my record
*wears a 6 pants/shirt
*wears size 12 shoe
*can say her alphabet, recognizes most the letters, writes a few words for memory
*loves coloring/drawing
*rides her bike without training wheels/ loves her scooter
*can do lots of tricks on the tramp
*taking a little music class and loves it
*too smart for her own good at times
*she's so excited for kindergarten

*1 day old*

*a year old*

*2 years old*

*3 years old*

*4 years old*

*5 years old*


Josie said...

HaPpY BiRtHdAy BrOoKlIn!!!!!!!!!! We love you, Josie and Max
Hope you have a fun day

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Brooklin!! 5 years old!!!!! Wow! We hope you have a very fun Day!!

Evie B. said...

Happy Birthday Brooklin! Such a cutie...

Rachel said...

Crazy...I remember when she was born and it does not seem like that long ago! Happy Birthday Brooklin.

Hughes Bunch said...

Happy Birthday Brooklyn!!! I hope you guys have a fun day, also way cute post...

Jancee said...

Brooklin.... happy Birthday princess, Abbee misses you so much and talks about you all the time! Steph, next time your in St. George to go shopping, drop Brooklin off to play Abbee would lOVE it!