May 14, 2011

FuN with the softball gurls....

The kids have absolutely loved going to softball practice with me this year - I'm sure most of the time they were a distraction but they always had a blast! Mason loved teasing all the gurls (he says it so cute) and always wanted to help and be in the way. He caught on half way thru the season that if we got to practice early enough, he could help Coach Lunt drag the field - which meant he got to drive the gator!!! Brooklin would come up after school and she loved getting all the attention from the girls. She wanted to be involved with all the drills and was a good ball shagger. I really hope she ends up loving the game as much as I do... it has been a good experience for her being up there with all the girls.
At practice this last week, Mason was playing with a bucket and he fell in! It was hilarious and everyone just about died laughing. He couldn't get out and Crandall had to pull him out by his hands and feet - silly boy! Here are a few pics I snapped last week...

running hills

brooklin made it!

maddie and mason

nikki and mason (taking pics of himself again)

coach creer, coach lunt and coach (that's what mason calls me now)

another photo op!

Go BuLLdoGs!!!!

1 comment:

Hafen Crew said...

Oh the fun times of practice and bringing the kids! I loved it though :) How funny that Mason fell in the bucket. My kids were always distracting, but it made for some great times. Hope the season went well!