Jun 29, 2008

**YEAH, we FiNaLLy made it to the LaKe**

Saturday we FINALLY took the boat up to Sand Hollow for the day! We had a great time and had lots of fun company. Mom came up with us and Chrissy brought the kids (you missed out Jeremy), Kasey, Meridee & Jackson met us out there. Bohne's brought there boat, Memmott's and Tietjen's came later in the morning and Kirstin, Ashley & Chaz came after lunch! I think Nick spent most of his time driving the boat either pulling tubes, kneeboarders and Kasey tried skiing. I love going out for the day, it's a lot of work getting ready and worse coming home but we always have a wonderful time. The kids absolutely LOVED it. Mason loved playing, eating, throwing the sand everywhere. Brooklin loved swimming, playing with Chaz, riding in the boat and playing with the other kids. Thanks everyone for making it such a FABULOUS weekend! We'll have to do it again very soon...


Unknown said...

looks like so much fun!

Rachel said...

Jealous!!! It looks like you guys had so much fun.

Sher said...

you have such dang cute kids! i always forget about sand hollow (we've only been there once, but had a blast). looks like a fun time!

BuNksJuNk said...

Hi Stephanie! You have such adorable kids and it looks like you have a great time together. Go ahead and blogstock us. . . we'll do the same to you. :)