Jun 23, 2008

15 months

My little man was 15 months old on the 21st. I can't believe how time is flying by, almost time for another! (Just kidding) Anyhow this is more for my journaling but this is what Mason is doing:
*says ma-ma, da-da, moo (for cow), that's about it!
*likes to scream a high pitch squeal when he doesn't get his way
*loves his baths
*starting to eat by himself, although it's a mess afterwards
*likes eating grapes, noodles, cereal, yogurt, popcicles, anything you put in front of him.
*starting to enjoy the water when we go swimming
*loves reading books, playing with balls or trucks
*loves being outside even if it's 110 degrees!
*takes 2 naps usually 2-3 hours long
*gives open mouth kisses, the best!
*still has his thing with shoes (my little guy)
*after his is done eating he'll push his high chair to where it goes.
*he loves pointing at cousin Jackson's picture

Mason is starting to copy everything Brooklin does. He is so sweet and you can't help but love him to pieces! He is my little monster and he brings so much joy into my life.

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