Apr 18, 2011

Oh My Brooklin....

Brooklin was taking dessert orders tonight and apparently Mason wanted ice cream with an orange. Brooklin took it upon herself to do the entire process, I wasn't sure what she was doing. I was at the computer and turned around - this was our little conversation:
Me: What ya doing B?
B: Peeling an orange with a fork for Mason.
Me: What are you wearing sunglasses for?
B: Cuz the orange kept squirting my eyes.
Me: Rolling with laughter!!!!
This girl kills me! She was so proud of herself and so was I :) I love you B...
peeling the orange with a fork!

really mom, another picture - i'm trying to work here!

the finished product and mason loved it!

1 comment:

Linge Crew said...

What a great big sister!! Masons a lucky boy to have Brooklin looking after him....too cute:)