Mar 31, 2009

Any suggestions....

Well my sweet little Mason loves to bite his sister and his mother on occasion. When he gets mad or doesn't get what he wants, he gets possessed and goes in for the kill! I have bit him back, smacked his mouth, time out and nothing quite works! So do any of you have any suggestions on how to stop my little monster from biting?


Shanna said...

Bite back not to hard but it works & works fast I know sounds mead but Kehlden did it a lot t=so 1 time I bit him back & it stopped. Nothings wrong htx! just crazy life, Gotta love it! that would be awesome if your up call & if your up more then the weekend maybe we can do lunch or something! thx for your love & support & concern

Sher said...

I've heard of putting a tiny dot of hot sauce on the tongue (although I guess you'd have to carry a bottle every where you go!). I don't know, good luck!

Sharley said...

I have no idea! Andrew is the same way! I think we should just put the two boys in a room together and they can bite each other! How is your mom. I truely think of her like 5 times a day! Miss you guys.

Jamie W said...

I have put a few drops of vinegar on a spoon before and made my kids drink it(not for biting, but for consistently talking back, saying "no", etc). They HATE it!! Drake will even now tell me that other random kids should "get some vinegar" when they are doing something wrong. ha ha. It's worth a shot anyway. Good luck!

Amy said...

I could pull all of his front teeth...just kidding, I wouldn't do that. ;)

Amy said...

ps, don't threaten him that the dentist will pull his teeth out or your next visit may not be pleasant. :)