Jun 7, 2011

LooK wHo's GroWinG uP...

yes, he started out on brooklin's bike...

everytime he falls he says, "this is awesome!"

such a proud boy!

hell on wheels!

Great Job Mason!!!

first official bike ride...
Mason has conquered riding his bike
without training wheels or as he would say,
"I can ride my bike with 2 wheels!"

About a month ago I tried with him, I held
onto to him and when I let go he was done.
So I didn't really push the issue and then last night
I suggested we go out and try it and he was all for it!
I didn't even have to hold on to him, it was
like I gave him a push and he was off and not looking back!
He's done so awesome and caught on so quickly.
We went all around the neighborhood last night and he
didn't have any problems.

So first thing this morning, "Mom I want to ride my bike.
I want to ride to Brooklin's school."
We made it to Brooklin's school and back home!
I think he can go faster than me, he's a little speed demon.
My dad stopped by this morning so Mason could show
him what hot stuff he was. Grandpa showed him how
 to start all by himself so now he is really proud!

Everytime he falls he says, "This is awesome!"
While riding he'll say random things that just make me laugh..
- This is so fun Mom!
- My legs aren't even tired!
- I go fast on my bike!
- Mom, aren't you so proud of me I can ride my
bike with 2 wheels?

Mason, I am so proud of you!
You are growing up too fast and learning new things
each day! I'm so happy we can ride bikes together
and go fast! Thanks for making me a proud mama
and putting a smile on my face each day!

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