Feb 18, 2010


Tuesday night we went bowling with Kasey, Meridee & Jackson - that was Brooklin's birthday present from them. We had a great time but it was too late for us. We had to wait until 8:30 cuz of the leagues. The kids had a good time - Mason wanted the green ball which weighed 11 lbs but he used it and Brooklin wanted the pink ball and she threw it down the lane each time. Thanks for a fun night... (i need to get more pics off my mom's camera)
Oh yeah, Mason loved his shoes and wanted to keep them :)


Shannon said...

Fun! Brooklin is such a ham, too cute!

Shannon said...

Steph, the petting zoo is located on the road right behind Perkins Elementary. Really easy to find. A must for your kiddos, they will love it!!

Anonymous said...

So funny...... what up Brooklin!! she looks so tough.