This is more for my benefit so I don't forget what my little monster was doing at 17 months!!! Mason is such a sweetie but he runs me ragged some days.. not much has changed with him in a months time.
*added 2 words to his vocabulary - GO and HI!
*can follow directions and his a huge help with cleaning up
*eating independently all the time
*No more bottle at nap/bedtime - drinking his milk from a sippy
*wearing 2T tops and 18-24mo bottoms, almost in 2T bottoms
*wearing size 4 diapers
*he has 4 top teeth and 2 bottom teeth
*making the transition into one nap a day, which is killing me!
*loves playing with trucks and making noises
*plays with sister pretty good
*is the biggest tease
*loves to get in the pool with everything on
*still gives the BeSt open mouth kisses
*climbs out of his crib successfully!
*has been going to nursery illegally but does great, especially during singing time!
*loves the 4 wheelers
I'm so blessed to have this little boy in my life - he brings so much joy and happiness to me! I love him so much even if he drives me crazy some days. He's so full of energy and has the BeSt smile around! I love you Mason...