I think Santa's sleigh broke down at the Montoya's this year and had to leave all the toys here! Goodness, we got spoiled this year. The kids woke up about 8, Mason just wanted to sleep.. we had to pry him out of bed!

*Mason got his batman house & up which he was asking for along with a new scooter, a leapster, clothes, books and aunt Teri got him a cool remote control dinosaur*

* Brooklin got her ds she forgot to put on her list, another 3 muskateer barbie, tinkerbell movie, clothes, books, a scooter and a few ds games from aunt Teri*

*everyone gaming*

* After breakfast (which we had a housefull - both sides of our family came over) the kids went to the backyard and discovered that Santa had left a trampoline!!!*

Nick got a gps, a pistol safe, clothes and shoes. I got spoiled this year! I got a necklace, bracelet, gift cards to a couple places, a glue gun and a computer chair.