Jul 10, 2011

swim meet #2

Brooklin had her 2nd swim meet on Saturday (7/9/11), she was doing 4 events - freestyle, backstroke, breast stroke and a relay. The freestyle relay was first and their little team tried hard but one girl didn't finish so I'm not sure how they place that. Then she did the backstroke (29.34) and kicked butt, she did really well. The breast stroke (32.82) was next and she won but totally cheated cuz she just kicked her legs instead of doing the right kick but she did great! Her last race was the freestyle (26.68) and she took 2nd, the girl who beat her was super fast but you can't win every time, right?
We're so proud of you Brooklin - she just loves swim team and I'm so happy she enjoys it so much! Thanks grandma, grandpa and Kirst for waking up so early on a Saturday to come and watch her - I know she was so happy to have you there!

getting ready for the relay


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