May 22, 2010

wire grass

My parents took the kids on a little 4 wheeler ride today up to Wire Grass! The kids had a blast as usual.. They saw some squirrels, rabbits and a ton of butterfly cocoon things in the bushes. Brooklin said this was the BeSt MoUnTaiN dAy ever!

After they got home my dad took the pool cover off so the kids could take a dip.. Brooklin jumped right in and Mason was a little chicken. He'd much rather pee on grandpa's grass - he thinks it's the funniest thing ever. He's almost like a dog, pees in the same spot each time... Silly Boy!


Shanna said...

SO cute! my kids pee in my mom's bushes to!

Shannon said...

Lol! Too cute....boys will be boys! I love how Brooklin says "It was the best carnival, mountain, etc., day ever!" Cute, kids, Steph!