My little Brooklin is 5 today and she's so excited!!! We have a big day planned, she has school at Miss Kim's and gets to take a treat and then we're going to Las Vegas for a surprise!
Brooklin I'm so happy to have you in our family. You are so strong willed and independent and it makes me crazy sometimes but I love that about you. Your big blue eyes and contagious smile make me happy. You're a great big sister to Mason (most of the time) and are willing to help out when needed. You're full of energy and always want to be doing something. I love you Brooklin :)
Here are 5 things I love about Brooklin...
*she loves going to school
*she loves her friends and being outside with them
*she still won't sleep in her bed... is on the floor in my room (she's deathly afraid of her room)
*she loves being with grandma & papa - any of her family
*she's very kind hearted and sensitive
Some other facts about Brooklin more for my record
*wears a 6 pants/shirt
*wears size 12 shoe
*can say her alphabet, recognizes most the letters, writes a few words for memory
*loves coloring/drawing
*rides her bike without training wheels/ loves her scooter
*can do lots of tricks on the tramp
*taking a little music class and loves it
*too smart for her own good at times
*she's so excited for kindergarten
*1 day old*

*a year old*

*2 years old*

*3 years old*

*4 years old*
*5 years old*