I better put this day in the books, it was such
a romantic one!!!! We started the day off with
heart pancakes and a little goodie bucket filled
with a few treats and a movie.
The kids didn't have school so they stayed home
while Nick and I went to work.
The kids and I went to lunch at Mickey D's
and then we waited for Cole to arrive!
(Holly and Bruce dropped him off for the
weekend, Jacey was playing vball in Vegas).
We had dinner and bowling plans with
some of our friends - Lee's, Dalton's, Warren's
and Hughes. We ate dinner at Bella Pizza,
boys at one table and girls at the other!
Then we went bowling and I beat Nick
by one pin... a whopping 77!
We came home and the kids were wired,
Nick went to a movie and played poker
and I went to bed!!!
We are soooo romantic!!!